It is a fact that you cannot really get fit if you only rely on exercise or on controlling your diet. They must go together. How you feel and how you benefit from your exercise will be significantly impacted by what you have eaten and when you have eaten it. You must also consider what kind of physical activity you are going to participate in. That will also impact your meal choices. What you choose will differ greatly if you are entering a competition or if you are just going for a casual work-out.
How intense is your activity going to be? How long will it be? The answer to these questions will inform your decision about what you eat and drink and when. Choosing wisely what you consume will enhance the benefit you receive from your work-out.
Start The Day
It is very important to begin your day with a healthy breakfast. If you are a morning work-out person, then you will need to get up early enough to eat breakfast first. This could mean getting up as much as a hour early.
Your blood sugar is low when you wake up in the morning. The energy that you got from the previous night’s last meal has been used up. You need to rebuild that energy supply before you begin making demands on your body. Otherwise, you could experience lightheadedness and be sluggish.

Your breakfast will have to be lighter if you will be exercising within an hour of eating in the morning. Consider drinking something that will help raise your blood sugar. A great morning energy booster is some form of carbs. You might try whole grain breads or cereals; have some juice or low fat milk or a banana.
How Much To Eat And When
You must adjust how much you eat and when dependent on your exercise plans. The rule is, a large meal should be consumed 3 to 4 hours before you work-out. A smaller meal can be eaten within 2 to 3 hours of your work-out. If you are only going to have a snack before you work-out then try to have it about an hour before you begin exercising. Eating too much, too close to the beginning of your exercising can lead to stomach cramps and a sluggish feeling. However, it is also a problem if you don’t eat enough. Eating too little leads to a lack of energy and lack of enough strength to power through your entire work-out. As you can see, you need to consume the proper amount of food at the proper time to maximize the benefit of your work-out.
Including snacks in your work-out plan can be very important. For some, having a snack before you begin and then again during your work-out is beneficial. You will have to figure out what foods work best for you. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly to find what is right.
A snack just before you work-out will not contribute to your base energy level but, it will help keep the level of your blood sugar up as you exercise. Some suggestions for good snacks include, energy bars and drinks, a fruit smoothie, peanut butter and crackers, granola bars, banana and fresh fruit, yogurt and whole grain bagels. If it has been several hours since you ate a meal, then having a healthy snack is important for the necessary energy level to have a worthwhile work-out.
Right Food Right Time
Your work-outs will be the most successful if you can maximize your energy levels. The best way to do that is to eat the right foods and to do it at the right time in relation to your work-out time. Your fitness goals will be met much faster if you plan your food intake to get the most benefit from your work-outs.