Staying fit is not necessarily the difficult challenge that most people imagine it to be. It involves a three part strategy that you can easily follow every day. The first step is to insure that you are eating properly. Second you must have some form of daily work-out plan and finally you must get enough rest.
Eating Properly
Unfortunately, today’s ‘normal’ diet includes junk food, a lot of fat and carbs. This is not the healthy diet that your body needs. Eating properly; consuming high quality foods will provide the fuel that your body needs to create the energy that your body uses. Your body’s energy comes from the sir you breathe and the food you consume.
A lot of people think that to lose weight you just skip meals. The result of skipping meals is less energy and lowering of body fluids. As you lower your energy, you slow your metabolism. With a slower metabolism your body slows down and burns muscle mass instead of fat to get the energy it needs. Therefore, the body gets weaker while holding onto its fat.

If you ‘eat right’; choosing the best foods for your body every day, the exact opposite happens and you increase your metabolism. For staying fit, your diet should consist of higher levels of protein, a minimal amount of fat but include complex carbs.
Routine Workouts
Your daily exercise choices do not have to consist of many exercises per se. Choose walking upstairs instead of using the elevator. Join a local sports team for a fun social as well as physical activity. Take a walk after dinner. All of these will help you to stay fit. Remember, your body has a natural resistance to exercise. But, if you simply include 15 minutes of exercise into every day, your body will become retrained to this new pattern.
You break down your body’s resistance to physical activity as it becomes fit and your immune system becomes stronger. Varying your exercise routine is the simplest way to stay fit. Try jogging on some days while you just atke walks on others. Participate in some sport on another day and even design a simple work-out routine for other days. When you keep you activities different on different days, you have a better chance of sticking with it and being successful.
Getting Enough Rest
Adults tend to get less sleep than we really require. While children often get 10 hours of sleep every night, adults frequently get less than six hours. The result of this sleep deprivation is a negative effect on our internal organs and an uptick in the aging process. A lack of sleep can slow down your metabolism and cause us to feel groggy. Since our energy level is lower you avoid physical activity. And so, a vicious circle has been created; less sleep, less energy, less exercise. With enough sleep a positive circle is created; enough sleep results in an increased metabolism, which increases energy levels and leads to higher levels of exercise and activity. And all this helps the body stay fit. The food we consume every day is responsible for about 50% of the energy we require to stay fit. Whatever we choose as our daily physical activity contributes about 20%. And getting enough rest is responsible for the remaining 30%. It is a balancing act that it is important to keep in harmony if you wish to maintain an appropriate level of fitness.