Have you put on some unwanted weight, gotten out of shape or are not feeling very healthy? Is it time to change your life to make for a better “you”? If you have answered ‘yes’ then your first step is to find or create a fitness routine that you will be able to stick with every day.

To get back to the fit and healthy person you once were, or to become that person for the first time, you may need to change a number of things about yourself. This involves not only the physical portion of your life but also the emotional, mental and spiritual portions as well. All of these play a part in your ultimate success in getting to total fitness.
Your goal is to create routines throughout your day that are beneficial to your health and the transformative life changes you want to make. Making healthy choices all day, every day require you to focus your thoughts and emotions in that direction. This will help you change your eating and exercise habits as well.
A good way to begin creating your fitness plan is with a yoga class. These provide stretching and strengthening of your muscles and many also include a good cardiovascular workout . Choose your yoga class wisely and you will receive spiritual, mental and emotional benefits also.
For someone just beginning to study yoga it is essential that you work with a qualified instructor. They will be able to teach you the proper form and execution. After you have learned the poses you will be able to practice smaller workouts by yourself outside of a scheduled class. Sun Salutation is a series of poses that many women enjoy beginning their day with. The shortest version only takes 5 minutes but gets your day started right.
Another important part of improving your total body and life is meditation. Choose a time and place where you can meditation without interruption. It will be worth changing your schedule to incorporate meditation into your daily schedule. Some women get up before anyone else in the morning, while others wait until everyone has retired and all is quiet at home to find the best time to meditate. Simply choose what will work best for you.
You know that you will need to make some changes to your diet. But what changes? That can be hard to figure out. Think of food as fuel for your body and that new mindset will help. Don’t think about food all the time. Try to minimize the amount of time that goes into eating. Simple and healthy are your keywords here.
Eating is not a time for multi-tasking. Don’t do anything but consume your meal when you sit down to eat. Think about the nutritional value of the food you are consuming. Enjoy every bite rather than seeing how quickly you can finish it. You will be amazed in the difference in the quality of your eating as well as the positive change in your digestion.

Your nighttime routine will play an important part in improving your fitness too, You need to awaken well rested; ready for a great day. In the evening, take some time to wind down. Consider the positive things that happened in your day. Allow your mind and body to relax as you contemplate what went right today.
Starting today it is possible to make changes to your habits that will have an effect on ultimately changing your entire life; both mind and body. You will soon see the benefits of your efforts, which will help you push forward through a lifelong healthy lifestyle. Learning to enjoy your life and the world round you, while taking better care of yourself will enhance your entire life.