If you are looking for a way to lose some weight and have that healthy look and feel for your body, we have the answer. Are you tired of the standard gym work-outs? There is a better plan. Do you need a fitness regime that addresses not only you physical but also your emotional and mental needs? It is time to give swimming a try.
A Less Stressful Way To Exercise
While there can be great value in walking and running as exercise, and some people find them very beneficial; others can suffer from pain and damage to thi hips and knees and ankles. It can be possible to work around the stresses these activities put on your body, but swimming offers great physical activity while being the least stressful on your joints.
Swimming is a total body work-out. But additionally, only 10% of your body weight is brought to bear on your body when you are immersed up to you neck in water. This makes it perfect for those who suffer from limitations caused by weight or physical disabilities or arthritis. Additionally, it is ideal for those who simply want to get good exercise while avoiding injury to their bodies.
Building Your Fitness Level With A Swimming Work-out
Swimming is the perfect, full-body work-out. It addresses all of the major muscle groups. Your abdomen, back, shoulders, arms, hips and legs all get a super work-out while you swim. An added benefit is that swimming is a highly effective strength building exercise. Water provides 12 times the resistance of air; therefore building strength without stressing your joints.
So the question is now; How To Start?
First let’s determine what level you are currently at; did you atke some swim lessons a a kid? Did you paddle in a pool while on vacation? Then, maybe a good place to start would be with some swim lessons. It is not difficult to find swim classes for all levels of expertise and swimming with other people at about your level of accomplishment offers encouragement but also the company can make it more fun.
If you are a relatively accomplished swimmer but haven’t been swimming regularly recently, then you need to set yourself a schedule. Plan a time each week to swim and then make sure that you do it. Start with small goals. Particularly if you have not been swimming regularly. Maybe your first goal will be simply swimming one length of a pool. Thn build on that. Steadily increase the distances you will swim to build strength and stamina. The more often you are able to swim, the more quickly you will see that benefits. Obviously, two or three swim sessions per week will have you swimming further and longer more quickly than just once a week.
Even accomplished swimmers may enjoy the structure of swim exercise classes. So consider that if you would benefit from a little guidance while you use swimming as part of your exercise regimen.

Are you going to give swimming a try? It is worth it. You will discover that, with consistent time spent in the pool or the lake you will be more fit, healthier and slimmer.