According to many gym regulars, the new sexy look is ‘strong’. So, an excellent place to start with your new strong look is with your legs. To help you get a good start toward your new, sexy legs, we have gathered some great exercises to tone and strengthen your legs but not bulk up your thighs. Build your work-out routine including your choice from these exercises. Don’t forget your cardio warm-up and a good cool down of stretching your quads and hamstrings.
Here we have some recommendations for excellent leg exercises, designed for women who want to develop and keep sexy, lean legs.
The Goblet Squat
The way to maximize your legs’ potential to their fullest is to ‘go low’ when doing your squats. This will strengthen your entire leg and, additionally, work your quads through a broad spectrum of motions. You can perform this squat with or without dumbbells. Either way you will be working your whole leg.
To begin you should stand with your toes pointed slightly out and your feet a bit wider than your shoulders.
If you have decided to use weights, you should hold them at chest level with both of your hands.
Keep your back flat and push your hips backward while bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor and your elbows are touching your knees.
Exerting most of your weight on your heels and push yourself back up to your starting position.
15 reps are recommended for this exercise
The Wall Sit
Leaning against a wall doesn’t seem like much of an exercise. But this will definitely make you feel the burn in your thighs. This exercise will help prevent runner’s knee, which is something that women experience more often than men. It will also help you avoid bulking up your thighs by working the quads in a lengthened position.
Place your feet at hip width and two feet in front of you. Your back should be pressed against the wall.
Bend your knees and slide down the wall until you are at a 90 degree angle from your knees to the wall. Your knee joints must be right above your ankle joints.
Hold this position for one minute. Then relax and repeat.
The Deadlift
This exercise is particularly good because it works many body muscles and is much better than a basic squat. In particular, it strengthens your entire back. Deadlifts also work well to stretch your hamstring.
To begin, have a pair of dumbbells one in each hand. Stretch your arms slightly to the side and your knees should be slightly bent.
Bend at the hip and take the weights as low as you can without arching your back. Keep looking forward rather than down and you will have more success not arching you back.
Pull your upper body up, squeezing your glutes. Don’t use your back or round your spine.
12 reps should be your goal with this exercise.
As you can see, there are a number of exercises that will help you achieve that lean and sexy look without risking overdeveloping any part of your legs.