If you need to find a way to get an excellent quality work-out without investing a fortune, you should consider purchasing a good set of resistance bands. This article will offer several resistance band work-outs that will work on all of your muscles. The work-out will be demanding but still ‘do-able’; giving you visible results in a short amount of time. Let’s get started.
Exercise 1 – Shoulders
About the easiest use of resistance bands is to perform an overhead press. Begin by standing on the resistance band and hold a handle in each hand. Push up toward the sky. The overhead press is a basic exercise included in most work-out routines. Using a resistance band is the perfect way to do it.
Exercise 2 – Legs
Since we are designing a full body work-out routine, let’s move on to the legs. Again, resistance bands are perfect for this.
To do a front squat, stand on the band; have your feet shoulder-width apart. Holding the handles over your shoulders, have your elbows raised in front of you. Next, squat down; go as low as you can and then slowly come back up to the original position.
Exercise 3 – Back
The bent-over row is considered one of the best exercises for working your back with a resistance band. This exercise will assist you to build a great amount of strength and is a stepping stone to being able to do body-weight pull-ups.
The starting position is standing on the resistance band, having you feet should-width apart. Exchange the handles so that the bands cross in front of you and the left handle is in the right hand and the right handle is in the left hand. Keeping your back nice and straight and head square on your shoulders – not down or up, bend over and lift the handles up towards your midriff so that your elbows are at a 90 degree angle and your shoulder blades squeeze toward each other.
Exercise 4 – Chest
The classic push-up is a standard work-out exercise for your chest. You can ramp up to whole new level by including the resistance band into the exercise. Have the resistance band resting across your shoulders. Put a hand on each handle. Now, simply do your regular push-up.
The resistance band will add additional pressure across your shoulders. You will have to push much harder to attain the full extension of your arms to locked elbows. This will definitely enhance the benefit you will receive from doing push-ups.
Exercise 5 – Biceps
Some people struggle to find a way to address their biceps using the resistance band. You can use the resistance band with a standing concentration curl to give your biceps an excellent work-out and build the strength that you are looking for.
Stand on the resistance band, holding the handles at hip level. There must be enough tension in the band so that your biceps work hard when you perform the next part of the exercise.
Curl your arm using the classic bicep curl motion. Make sure to really squeeze at the top in order to get full exertion from your muscles.
If you include these resistance band exercises in your regular work-out routine, you will be amazed at how quickly you see positive results.